its charming little port and its sublime beaches!

Langoustier beach (Porquerolles)

4.5 km from Porquerolles town centre – white sand – good fitness level required (1 ½-hour walk or 50 mins by bike)

This beach is located to the far West of the island, 4.5 km from the town centre, so you need to be on form to get there on foot (1 ½ hours) or by bike (50 mins)! It offers stunning views over the little island of Le Langoustier.
Like many beaches on Porquerolles island, Plage du Langoustier offers white sand and turquoise waters, but it is far wilder than Plage de Notre Dame or Plage d’Argent, even at the height of summer.

It is therefore ideal if you’re seeking a haven of tranquillity as a reward for all your efforts!

Remember to take along plenty of water, sunglasses and suntan lotion, always available from our shop at Camping de La Pascalinette®.

No showers or toilets – Good fitness level required (lots of uphill and downhill slopes on the way).

  • Langoustier beach
    Chemin du Langoustier
    83400 Porquerolles
  • Latitude : 43.000842
    Longitude : 6.165930