Excursion to Sillans-la-Cascade

Fancy an excursion to Sillans-la-Cascade, situated 1 hr and 20 mins from Camping de La Pascalinette®?
It’s summer, it’s very hot, the sun is burning and you fancy a change from your favourite campsite’s water park? Don’t miss the village of Sillans-la-Cascade, located just before you reach the Verdon Canyon. Simply slip into your trainers, take some water bottles from the campsite shop, a backpack and off you go!
You can park in the town hall car park in the village centre, then follow the signs to the waterfall via the footpath. At the end of the path, turquoise waters await you, set in dense vegetation and lined with veteran plane trees: this is the River Bresque, which is joined by the beautiful natural springs of Château de Bresc and Vallon de l’Ourc.
A truly idyllic site promising a delicious swim in a refreshing river, this walk is a treat for all the family. As you climb up, you will appreciate the extraordinary views over the 42-metre waterfall. Truly breathtaking!
On the way back to the campsite, you may enjoy admiring or visiting (if you’ve walked fast!) the magnificent Abbaye de la Celle.

Photos Manon©